We meet again.. Even though biziness amat melampau..but i still wanna write sumthing..
When i first got the news that i got the opportunity to further my study oversea, i somehow feel afraid..
How am i going to adapt with the brand new environment, how to deal with this, with that.. where to pray.. what about my way of dressing.. and many more..
Thinking about all these enough to make me afraid... But the thing is, what people always said is right,.. "jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan"...
When i am here.. many new things i learn..about this, about that...
about other religion, about islam itself..
The most yang cannot be forgotten.. is happen just a few days.. i think it is on thursday night..
Owh mY God, it was so awesome..
Being born as a muslim is not enough for us to be truly a muslim.. A story i wanna bring here is about a person who was a rapper, actively involved in music..popular...what so ever..
But the thing is, even though he is rich, he feel empty for a reasons that he is not knowing...
He got too many question..that he don't really know who can answer him..
He saw too many death in front of him.. and he ask himself what happen to them when they died ... My story here might be not a complete version of this guy.. but it is related to the starting of islam in the country that i study now...
The main point here is, as a muslim... we must show to other religion, we are a muSLim by practicing what we should do..
behave ourself, be a good example... role model or what ever they call it...
When you got doubt, recite the quran... understand the meaning.. when you sad, or happy, or feeling so down.. and any other feeling... go seek Allah forgiveness... maybe you've done wrong... you might not see them...
maybe you hurt your friend's feeling... etc etc..
as a muslim.. we must practice what a truely muslim does.. right??
I still remember, when that person sat in front and tell about "kenikmatan hidup di syurga"..
one of the "non-muslim" laugh...
what did he thinks?*sigh*.. i just hope he get the hidayah... just like us...
before i write this entry, i think a lot.. but ape yang tercurah kt sni... just this few sentences... huhuhu...
asalkan niat baik..hope this share my experience and also believe.. Remeber muslim, Allah not create us to make destroy to the earth, but only to "beribadat" kepadanya...
Buat Aishah, mak cik doakan kamu gembira di sana. Memang sukar hidup merantau setentelah pula tinggal berjauhan dengan keluarga.
Semoga Aishah tabah menghadapi karenah orang tempatan di sana. Buatlah keputusan berdasarkan perbincangan yg terang dan jelas. Amalkan Surah Al-Waqiaah setiap malam dan solat hajat bagi memudahkan urusan.
Sekiranya menghadapi kepayahan dan kesulitan, anggaplah ianya sebagai dugaan dan ujian daripada-Nya. Sesungguhnya, inilah kehidupan realiti.
Semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan berkat kesabaran serta keberanian, Aishah akan menerima ganjaran yang lebih baik di masa akan datang.
Terima kasih mak cik.
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